Rostliny nekvetoucí, výtrusné (mechy, přesličky, kapradiny)
a) Kvetoucí = semenné – rozmnožují semeny
b) Nekvetoucí – výtrusné – rozmnožují se výtrusy
Rostliny nekvetoucí, výtrusné
Patří mezi ně: mechy (bělomech, ploník, zkrutek)
přesličky (přeslička rolní)
kapradiny (kapraď samec, osladič obecný)
- rostou na vlhkých místech v lesích nebo na polích
- před mnoha miliony lety dosahovaly velikosti stromů
- zuhelnatěním těchto stromovitých přesliček vzniklo uhlí
- chrání lesní půdu před vysycháním – zadržují vodu
- rostou na nejrůznějších místech – na zemi, na tlejícím dřevě i na stromech a na skalách
- na některých z nich vyroste v létě štět s tobolkou
- ze zralé tobolky se uvolňují nové výtrusy
- jsou součástí lesního podrostu, nevytvářejí však květ ani plod
- mají: kořeny, oddenek = podzemní stonek, listy
- rozmnožují se výtrusy
- na spodní straně listu se nacházejí kupky výtrusnic, ve kterých se tvoří výtrusy (drobné jako prášek)
- výtrusy se uvolňují a ve vlhkém prostředí z nich vyklíčí nová rostlina
Přehled komentářů
world too me
(LaurenNeani, 24. 5. 2023 11:27)
world too me
(LaurenNeani, 24. 5. 2023 11:26)
Modern economic problems
(WalterneK, 23. 5. 2023 1:40)
Modern economic problems
(WalterneK, 23. 5. 2023 1:39)
Modern economic problems
(WalterneK, 23. 5. 2023 1:38)
Modern economic problems
(WalterneK, 23. 5. 2023 1:37)
Modern economic problems
(WalterneK, 23. 5. 2023 1:36)
Play games and get cryptocurrency
(WilliamWow, 22. 5. 2023 16:56)
Rollercoin - play games and get cryptocurrency
All very simple, play mini games and get power, the more they are the more will be your earnings. I have already withdrawn more than once, I have been working with this site for more than a year and it pays very well. Rollercoin will earn everyone and without investment too can.
Project link
Play games and get cryptocurrency
(WilliamWow, 22. 5. 2023 16:56)
Rollercoin is a gaming platform that allows you to earn cryptocurrency by playing minigames. To increase your earnings, you need to accumulate power, which you get for every game you play. I have made numerous withdrawals and have been working with the site for over a year - the payouts are regular. Rollercoin is suitable for those who want to earn cryptocurrency, even without investing their own money in the game.
Project link
Play games and get cryptocurrency
(WilliamWow, 22. 5. 2023 16:08)
Rollercoin is a gaming platform where you can earn cryptocurrency by playing mini games. Earned power can be used to increase profitability and earn more cryptocurrency. The site has been running and time-tested for a long time, and anyone can make money from it, even without investing.
Project link
Play games and get cryptocurrency
(WilliamWow, 22. 5. 2023 16:08)
Rollercoin is a gaming platform where you can earn cryptocurrency by playing mini games. Earned power can be used to increase profitability and earn more cryptocurrency. The site has been running and time-tested for a long time, and anyone can make money from it, even without investing.
Project link
Modern economic problems
(MatthewBoymn, 21. 5. 2023 23:35)
Modern economic problems
(MatthewBoymn, 21. 5. 2023 23:31)
Modern economic problems
(MatthewBoymn, 21. 5. 2023 23:29)
Modern economic problems
(MatthewBoymn, 21. 5. 2023 23:27)
Modern economic problems
(MatthewBoymn, 21. 5. 2023 23:26)
Play games and get cryptocurrency
(WilliamWow, 21. 5. 2023 20:20)
Rollercoin is a gaming platform that allows you to earn cryptocurrency by playing minigames. To increase your earnings, you need to accumulate power, which you get for every game you play. I have made numerous withdrawals and have been working with the site for over a year - the payouts are regular. Rollercoin is suitable for those who want to earn cryptocurrency, even without investing their own money in the game.
Project link
Play games and get cryptocurrency
(WilliamWow, 21. 5. 2023 2:05)
Rollercoin is a gaming platform where you can earn cryptocurrency by playing mini games. Earned power can be used to increase profitability and earn more cryptocurrency. The site has been running and time-tested for a long time, and anyone can make money from it, even without investing.
Project link
Play games and get cryptocurrency
(WilliamWow, 21. 5. 2023 0:12)
Rollercoin - play games and get cryptocurrency
All very simple, play mini games and get power, the more they are the more will be your earnings. I have already withdrawn more than once, I have been working with this site for more than a year and it pays very well. Rollercoin will earn everyone and without investment too can.
Project link
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world too me
(LaurenNeani, 24. 5. 2023 11:28)